The usage for this bot is quite simple: -dl [Youtube Link].
The bot will download the video for you, save it as an mp4 and then send the mp4 back to you as a file in discord.
Example below:
The bot will only upload videos up to the size that the server is allowed to(This is based on the server boost level). Currently the bot can only download one video at a time, and will download the highest mp4 available format for that video(higher definitions send data in non mp4 format with audio and video sent separately). The bot will @ you with the video when its downloaded, or an error message if its failed.
The currently supported websites include:
The currently supported URL's include:*,*,**,***,*,*
Installation of the bot is quite simple, click the link below and you will be directed to the invite page.
InviteSelect the server you would like to add the bot into. Note, you can only add the bot into a server where you have the "Manage Server" permission.
This bot is built using python with the source code available for referene here.
To run this bot yourself, create generate your token file and place in the root directory of the project:
To start the server, run the setup bash script and pipe the output into a file in the logs directory, Example below:
nohup bash ./ > logs/sidvid.log 2>&1 &